Freelancer article: Coaching for success
Registered service providers can present themselves with a short article in the news. In this issue, we present a multiple book author with a doctorate who has almost 20 years of first and second level management and leadership experience in medium-sized corporations.
Coaching is a process clarification aimed at reviewing existing activities, behaviours and assessments in the client´s field of work. During the coaching interview, it is decided if adaptations of existing activities are necessary or if completely new activities emerge as more productive. Following from this, it is then found out together how this can best be done. In principle, the various components of the situation and its implementation should, therefore, be analysed, evaluated and solved.
The to-do lists summarise the coaching session and contain a future picture of the activities and the expected results. A to-do list is designed in such a way that future situations can be dealt with successfully and the client can go into her reality in a stabilised way. The to-do list also includes the objective in the sense of a personal agreement on objectives, the description of the strategies and measures for achieving the objective, the persons involved and the underlying business or action processes.
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This article was published in the news 45.